January Column In Velvet Magazine

I’m not sure if self-awareness can be put into the same category as wellbeing but I had to make a big decision recently which was made with the focus on self-care. Last week I turned down the chance to design a garden at the 2025 Chelsea Flower Show. It was very flattering to be approached but the offer really did stop me in my tracks. At one point in my life, it was the ultimate dream to design a garden at the most prestigious flower show in the world. When I did finally design a garden there in 2018 the dream wasn’t quite as magical as I had expected. I was prepared for the hard work involved but I wasn’t prepared for the strains and pressures it put me through. I’m not saying I would never design at a show again, but I had to take a long time to think about where I am physically, mentally and weather I was ready or not to put myself and my family under that much pressure. The answer, this time, was no. These are challenging times for us all, and sometimes (not always) dreams and egos need to be put on hold so that we can focus on looking after ourselves.


January is not an easy month for so many of us (even as someone who is tea total, I am not sure January is the best month to navigate without the odd drink). For many of us, especially those that are free-lance or run their own business, it is a month where structure and routine isn’t as prevalent as normal. For those that are regular readers of my article will know that I frequently harp on about structure within garden design (in the form of planting in particular) being one of the most important elements. It holds everything together and acts as a colour foundation to bring out the best in everything else. Knowing that structure is so important then why do I struggle so much with including it into my own life? On my desk, next to the computer I am typing these words onto, is a very nice Maranta leuconeura (prayer plant). If I started feeding it with a lot of caffeine, sugar and restricted it from sunlight then it would rapidly deteriorate. When it comes to looking after myself, lately I do the opposite of self-care. So, this year will be different! No matter what resolutions you have made, no matter what plans, adventures and incidents lie ahead, I hope you start this year off on the right foot and that starts with being kind to yourself.

© Velvet Magazine